Web Ecology welcomes Erinne Stirling as a new subject editor

23 December 2021

Web Ecology is happy to announce the addition of a new subject editor to our editorial board. Dr. Erinne Stirling (pronunciation: ˈɪərɪn ˈstɜːlɪŋ) is an Australian postdoctoral fellow at Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Zhejiang University, China, and visiting research fellow at the Acid Sulfate Soils Centre, The University of Adelaide, Australia.

Erinne is a self-proclaimed 'soil nerd', working primarily in soil ecology and biogeochemistry but with broad interests in soil classification, climate systems, landscape interactions, and ecosystem services. They have previously worked on fire ecology and paleoclimate projects and are currently working on the interactions of light, plants, soil, microbes, and viruses in wet ecosystems to better understand the microbial drivers of wet soil acidification and remediation.

Welcome to Web Ecology, Erinne!